1. FROM STRESS TO SERENITY: burn-out to bounce back

I am so glad you have joined me on this personal journey of self-discovery.

Ok that's a little presumptuous of me.

I just read this great meme on Substack (that's where I publish my creative writing - plugplug its 'LillyRaiSmith'):
"We cannot force someone to hear a message they are not ready to receive, 
but we must never underestimate the power of planting a seed"

The messages I have are about aligning our spiritual and understanding that the purpose of the material world is quite simply to support that alignement.
I know that you are ready to join me on this journey because otherwise you would not have found me here.
Before you go today do download 'The Science of Getting Rich'
It's not a crypto or pyramid scam.
It's my free gift to you because I want you to be able to resonate with me.
I want you to be able to think about what 'getting rich' means to you (spoiler alert: it's about creating, for yourself,  a permanent abundant space to thrive)

A little about me

photo of the author

You may already be aware that 2022-2023 for me was so stressful that my body began to completely shut down from work related shocks and stressors. I was signed off as 'unfit-for work' by my UK GP; and taken in and out of emergency care wards through autumn and winter 2023. 

Join me as I share with you how I recovered from burn-out to bounce back (not for the first time in my life but definitely for the last). Hibernating over winter I was able to shift my energy  from employment related stress to entrepreneurial serenity. By letting go of the previously toxic environment I was able to create a safe space for healing. 

Please join me as together we will navigate a paradigm  shift into an abundant life of health and healing. 

I will share with you how I re-aligned away from a toxic environment and created a safe space for healing by being true to my 'multi-faceted-self' (in other words learning to  love and value all of me, not just the parts valuable to an  employer). ‘Authenticity’ has become my guiding compass used to navigate away from anxiety & overwhelm (what a relief). And using authenticity as a compass has enabled me to align. I am already seeing that alignment creating sustainable financial security for my 'true self'. 

Like many of you I have navigated a lifetime of cyclical journeys (repeating: success to self-sabotage to success to self-sabotage) over a number of years, maybe even a number of lifetimes. If that resonates with you, Join me and together we'll learn to break this cycle by embracing our true self (authentic self); and develop space in our lives for abundance and happiness. (Gosh I feel happier already).

Come along with me on this journey and I promise I'll share  with you a variety of useful insights, and free gifts along the way (the pop-up 'The Science of Getting Rich' is the first of many. It's a good place to start)

For those of you who don't know me already: 

My professional career has dipped in and out of creative media, public, charity, and private sectors. Through freelance and contracted, employment I have attained many personal, professional, and academic achievements across media, arts, culture, and heritage. But I always return to my pillar: health & healing. It's a sector I return to in order to re-align myself. It's a sector I return to when I need to give more.

All of us are many facetted and twenty five years ago (because of my business experienceI running a successful herbal toiletry company) I was invited  to become a non-executive, founding director of a newly forming social housing ALMO (public sector ‘arms-length management organisation’) where I was valued for my project management knowledge & my personal life experiences; and where I could align my inner ‘eco- warrior’ as the boards Green Champion. Building on this experience, some years later I set up a property management consultancy & estate agency Lotus Property Consultancy where we continue to strive to apply findings from The Happiness Institute to the way we work every client to find the extra cashflow they need.

Ever heard of 'imposter syndrome'?  i felt like that because...well how could my 'authentic self be a healer and a property developer at the same time? Now I've learned to accept myself joined, connected whole I'd like to invite you to take a moment to think about all of your many facets and just how valuable they all are!

Together we are all enriching our own lives through the very act of helping others to enrich theirs!

With this in mind I promise to offer you lots of value and free gifts along the way.

This one is a research report from The Happiness Institute, for the more cerebral and corporate minded of you. If you'd like to know more about what it takes to become the happiest company in the world, download the Valcon Happiness Lab Report here

A yearning for happiness

Despite all of this, I remained unhappy and unfulfilled because I had forgotten my ‘authentic self’. While recovering from this winter's burn-out,  I needed to find a safe space to focus on my health & well-being. I am taking this opportunity to share with you the development of 'The Green Lotus Lounge: a safe space for healing'. 

A need to generate sustainable income

Only the very fortunate amongst us can take time out without worrying about the cost of living. Generating sustainable income by 'following my bliss' was always scuppered by my self-sabotage. Now I understand that I will be supported, but previously I positioned myself in a disempowering narrative: as a ‘victim of circumstance’, each life achievement overwhelmed by the narcissistic energies of others. My life has been regularly punctuated by traumatic events. Beginning with being abandoned as a baby (adoptee); surviving a road traffic accident head injury in my twenties, and then being raped; surviving domestic violence in my thirties, and then being bereaved; surviving workplace bullying, and then developing rheumatic, auto-immune, and neurological chronic illness. Does this resonate with you? Do join in, or start a new conversation in the comments section below (connecting is your first step to health & healing).

The purpose of the Green Lotus Lounge is to create a safe space to heal trauma. 

I'll be taking a pragmatic approach in this blog: bringing you the latest research from global organisations; and  sharing up to date information from trusted healing, health and wellbeing experts, with free gifts and super value downloads along the way. Do take advantage of the FREE giveaway pop up when you see it.

To summarise: 

I am a multi-faceted human being with media, arts, culture & heritage experience. I am also a Buddhist and I apply the theory of 'value creation in society' to everything I do (more about that later).

I have also founded a profitable natural health company (I will share more about that later). I have also shared my experiences of recovering from  trauma and fibromyalgia many many moons ago. You can access that facet of me in more detail  in several places:

Come and subscribe to  our Lotus Natural Healing Youtube Channel or watch my introductory video here (particularly useful if you, or a friend or family member has just been diagnosed with fibromyalgia)

image of Elizabeth McSweeney welcoming you to the Lotus Natural Healing YouTube channel

... and take a look at the Fibromyalgia Road To Recovery book series here:


Discovering serene equilibrium 

My beliefs around self-worth have perpetually cycled through financial success followed by self-sabotage. The physical manifestations of those oscillating cycles have reflected in my daily life. For example: I revealed an inner ability to manifest capital finance whenever needed but couldn’t master consistent sustainable income. This lead to financial and mental insecurities. I developed health and fitness in my youth, but experienced debilitating physical illnesses following each consecutive traumatic event.  Trauma and escalating chronic stress led to such a sustained illness I had no choice: accept forced relaxation or risk dying. But there was a benefit to be found even in this. Forced relaxation allowed my soul the healing space and time to remember two transformational truths, referred to as ‘Secrets’ only because I had forgotten them. In this way trauma, chronic stress and illness acted as a gift. 

Two remembered secrets:

1.    gratitude is the key to abundance
authenticity is the key to alignment. 

If you are experiencing difficulty balancing work, family, and personal life; if your situation feels overwhelming, or out of control; if you are reaching out for support, and what you really want is a sense of satisfaction & contentment from living a purpose-driven life: 

Join me in the Green Lotus Lounge 

chinese day bed with prayer bowl pestle & mortar

...as we re-align our authentic selves to love & accept into our lives material abundance.

Meanwhile we can share enjoyment of this poem 

Out Beyond Ideas, by Rumi

Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing,
there is a field. I’ll meet you there.
When the soul lies down in that grass,
the world is too full to talk about.
Ideas, language, even the phrase ‘each other’
doesn’t make any sense.


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