7. FROM STRESS TO SERENITY: Are you ready?

From Stress to Serenity: Are you ready?

Are you needing to improve quality of life; shift from the anxiety of ‘just managing’ of sinking under the ‘cost of living? Join me as we together we shift from financial insecurity to financial security; from austerity to abundance.  The shift is a paradigm shift. Are you ready?

Being authentic:  personal blog journal 

I’ve been physically tremoring since August 30th 2023. The constant tremoring was emerged following a year of chronic stress which escalated with a sudden shock. It’s a neurological shock reaction. I popped a tiny video of my hand tremoring on Facebook and almost instantly I had a messenger introduction to a Luton based distance healer, and a lovely Zoom meeting with her. So, here’s a shout out for the beautiful www.katiefarrell.co.uk  (I am looking forward to experiencing some potent energy healing); and many thanks to vibrant Luton based artist Aimi Rix (www.aimirix.art ) for the introduction. Aimi has branched out as the UKs most creative new independent travel agent; and I’m sure she’ll source perfect getaways for us all (go connect with her on Instagram@aimis_artours). 

Katie and I talked about our experiences healing ourselves. Particularly significant is that we have both healed ourselves from chronic fibromyalgia using healing energy. I am so looking forward to connecting the many facets of my ‘authentic-self’ and embracing my journey into the commitment of being a professional light energy worker. We all know we are here for a higher purpose; and the purpose can be served through many different avenues.

Reality Check

Bills still need paying (we live in a material world). Trust (having faith that we will be supported) sometimes waivers when we get a reality ‘cost of living’ reminder. My struggle with embracing all facets of my authentic self was overwhelm: I’m a massage therapist, reflexologist, and chakra healer; I’m a property consultant, investor and, estate agent; I’m an arts, culture & heritage project manager; a media & cultural studies academic; a novelist; an incense maker. No wonder I don’t have time to earn a living!!!! What have we done since 2020…pivot …pivot …pivot (no wonder I was suffering from Vertigo!!!! ) Does that resonate with you?

I was so stressed in 2023 that I nearly died. Over-wintering: forced relaxation, spiritual healing and convalescence, was quite a blessing because it offered time to reflect. One of the things I realised was that in 2024 I would be needing to rethink all aspects of my life (and how to connect/ re-connect myself). I didn’t need to do a SWOT analysis to know that one of my operational weaknesses is a fear of understanding social media marketing (just the thought triggers a migraine!). How serendipitous then: to receive a new year email from www.simonzutshi.com. I knew Simon from being a PIN (Property Investors Network) team member; and already trusted his Property Mastermind and Crowd Property investment opportunities. 

The email was an invitation to a Wealth Summit webinar through which I was introduced to Paul Mahony’s RETH!NK social media programme: over 20 step by step instructional videos and support to connect and engage my target audiences through social media. Just what I needed in all aspects of my life! Now I can overcome my fear of understanding social media at a supported pace while ‘convalescing’. Knowing this will enable me to connect with, learn from, and support as many other people as possible as we journey from stress into serenity. 

Finding your 'super power team' to help support

I'm assuming you found me because of your interest in health & healing? (do let me know below). I'm keen to connect especially if you are ' semi-retired' returning to your passion of offering therapies and the 'landscape as shifted since last you were hear. I was procrastinating because of avoiding the need to get my head around  how to use social media to relaunch. This spring I overcame that fear. I can recommend Paul Mahony’s RETH!NK social media programme for all the right reasons: comprehensive training, expert guidance, proven strategies, interactive learning, ongoing support, focus on results, and positive reputation. It helped that I was introduced to his offerings by someone that I already trusted (Simon Zutshi who was invaluable to me on my property investment journey).

Before you commit to joining  the RETH!NK academy it's with doing some research. Paul Mahony's REH!NK social media book is a useful place to start. I  went down the route of employing consultant SM and content writers before signing up to the course and navigating into employing a 2nd apprentice and using the course as a company training resource.

I can't remember who first invited me to a PIN meeting locally. They are worth along one evening if you want to meet other people with experience and gain insight into independent property investment . Simon's book 'Property Magic' is regularly updated. it's a an easy read and a good place to start. As well as local PIN (Property Investors Networking) evenings Simon also runs a 'CrowdProperty' project funding & investment platform.

Paradigm Shift: financial insecurity to financial security; from austerity to abundance. Free resource

I've always managed to manifest materially way above my 'pay grade'! Perhaps like me you understand that the function of life is to support life itself; and that it would be a whole lot simpler to manifest material needs if only we'd stop 'blocking'. Amidst the RETH!NK social media programme resources I found this little gem ‘The Science of Getting Rich’ by Wallace D. Wattles. Profound timeless wisdom in a pragmatic evidence based prosperity guide from a forgotten 1910 classic, with a new introduction by Rebecca Fine. I particularly love this explanation of how  you can give more to every person than you take, while materially enriching your own life. I resonate whole heartedly with Wallace Wattles' insight. I’ve never seen it explained better than this:

“ You cannot give everyone more in cash value than you take from him but you can give him more in use value”…

“Suppose I own a picture by one of the great artists, which, in a developed society, is worth thousands of dollars. I take it to Baffin Bay and by ‘salesmanship” induce a native dweller to give a bundle of furs worth $500 dollars for it. I have really wronged him, he has no use for the picture. It has no value to him; it will not add to his life. But suppose I give him a gun worth $50 for his furs. Then he has made a good bargain. He has a use for the gun. It will get him many more furs and much food; it will add to his life in every way. It will make him [materially] rich” (if he wants to be).

You can download an updated version of The Science of Getting Rich for free here

I promise, on this journey there will be many more free resources and free gifts along the way. Are you ready to join me?

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