FIBROMYALGIA: road to recovery 2



I am very excited for you because you have taken the first steps to believing that your fibromyalgia is not degenerative and the condition can be reversed.

There’s a little part of you (or maybe a big part of you) that doesn’t believe you can do it. 

Believe it: if I could recover from fibromyalgia  so can you.

I went from being someone who was in so much pain physically and mentally that I honestly thought the only way out was suicide. That was 15yrs ago!!!

I managed to achieve a post graduate research qualification, teaching English in China and trekking to Tibet in that time. 

I’m sure you  have dreams and ambitions if only the pain and symptoms of fibromyalgia would ease enough. Agree? 

The first thing I want you to do for yourself is take a moment to imagine that you don’t have fibromyalgia and pop into the chat below your first name and your dream ambition - what would you do if you were no longer suffering with fibromyalgia?

By finding me today, you have found a safe  community to support you on your journey to reclaim your life. You will:
Change your mindset about fibromyalgia
Have a real sense of control
Join a supportive community 
Be and feel much healthier, both physically and mentally 
Finally end your battle with this condition and be free to live again

You may think these are un-achievable goals. 
I understand because I’ve been in your position. 
I promise (if you stick with this journey to the end) it will change your life.

The second thing I want you to do is imagine your mind and body aligned in a state of effortless flow (where you don’t have to schedule for fibro-flares, compensate for fibro-fog, or feel guilty about not being able to do things with and for your family and friends)
Remember: the person you were before developing Fibromyalgia.
Commit: to being that person again; determine now that Fibromyalgia will not shape the rest of your life.
Understand: the universe has provided you support to become Fibro-free

Take a moment
Take a deep breath
wipe those tears away

You are here to take your first steps toward recovery from fibromyalgia.
When you make a commitment providence moves.
And we are all here to support you and hold you accountable and on the right track on your journey.
The Green Lotus Lounge CIC is a safe space for healing
Anything you disclose to us is completely confidential. But do note that your comments posted below will be readable by the whole world.

Whenever you see this image on Eventbrite or social media you will know it’s Green Lotus Lounge (yes I know it's red) and you can feel safe

and introductory webinars

If you are ready to take your first steps to recovery you can jump straight to here: contact us on Facebook (@FibroFree) or click on the menu at the top left of this blog and fill your details in the form.


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