FIBROMYALGIA road to recovery 3 (fibromyalgia is a trauma response)


Fibromyalgia is a trauma response

My name is Lilly 

I recovered from fibromyalgia 15 years ago and I wrote 5 E-books about how I recovered; and published them on Amazon and Kobo, under my birth name of Elizabeth McSweeney. 

You can take a relaxed look at the FIBROMYALGIA: road to recovery book series by following this link

book covers FIBROMYALGIA road to recovery

I am adopted and the reason I published under my birth name was important, because as I recovered I wanted to distance myself from the name I identified as having fibromyalgia. 

It's also important because being ripped away from my mother’s aura and energy field at birth was the first ontological trauma I suffered.

But how did I link my fibromyalgia to trauma as an adult?

In 1992 I suffered a head injury in a RTA. 

I was then raped and had to have an abortion. 

I then found myself in a difficult relationship – too late because we had brought a house and had a baby together- the domestic violence grew in control and abuse, at one time my partner who had by then been diagnosed as paranoid schizophrenic, leaving me for dead out on the Somerset Levels.

I spent 10 years in a permanent state of fight or flight

In volumes 1 and 5 of   the FIBROMYALGIA: road to recovery series there is an explanation of the damage being in constant fight or flight has on your body.

You can find more detailed information about stress and fibromyalgia in  book 1 of the FIBROMYALGIA: road to recovery series ( )

When my son’s father died in a motorbike accident my friends and family took a sigh of relief thinking I would be able to relax. 
But instead, my body broke down and I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. It had been embedding itself in my body for years.
“It was as if all the pain of ten years suffering emerged in my body at the same time”

I did not fully understand that link between a history of unresolved trauma, until after I recovered.

I had an inspirational GP

My GP (now retired) and his rheumatologist wife, in Bridgwater Somerset, had made that link between the fibromyalgia condition and unresolved trauma. He  offered an evening group called the ‘Seven Stepping Stones to Unresolved Grief’. 
He had noticed the clinical history and causal  link between between trauma and rheumatoid arthritic and fibromyalgia conditions.
And this – joining the group to acknowledge my unresolved grieving, unresolved losses and unresolved trauma - I would say set me off on my pathway or road to recovery.
In the same way I can help set you off on your road to recovery.
If you are sure that you are ready to embark on this journey  and would like daily supported help you can jump ahead to find out how to join he FIBROMYALGIA road to recovery  supported programs here.  

The Seven Stepping Stones approach, was devised by Dr Trevor Griffiths who wrote the book 'Lost and Found Again'

I’ve already told you some of the personal traumas that I’ve lived through.

I undertook primary research

My GP also encouraged me to write a book about coping with fibromyalgia, which urned out to be 5 volumes about  how to recover from fibromyalgia.

The other reason that I understood the causal link between unresolved trauma and fibromyalgia was that UK Fibromyalgia Association put out a national questionnaire on my behalf.
I left the last question purposefully open and I received dozens of letters of personal stories: each detailing how a series of unresolved traumas had lead to the fibromyalgia state embedding itself physically into people's bodies. 


I think it's well known now that Lady GAGA has spoken about her own battle with fibromyalgia. Here she takes a moment to explain to Oprah Winfrey what it is.

Lady Gaga talks to Oprah Winphrey about her personal history of trauma and how Fibromyalgia is a trauma response; and how it can be treated as a neuro-psyche condition; and the link between fibromyalgia and our immune system.
It’s interesting that Oprah is sponsored by WeightWatchers because people with fibromyalgia are often over weight. That is not to say that being over weight causes fibro, more that sedentary lifestyle caused by pain and some pharmaceutical drugs such as (for example Gabapentin) are linked with weight gain. I know: I went up a dress size on it, and then that weight fell off when I came off of it.

There’s also a link between trauma and our immune systems and how trauma creates inflammation, toxicity, and acidity, on a cellular level; and we’re going to discuss ways to detox an de-acidify on a cellular level using alkaline diet in a different blog.

I'm so glad you found me today

Whether you have recently been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, or you've been suffering a long time, you can learn more about my journey to recovery on the Lotus Natural Healing Youtube channel


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