FIBROMYALGIA road to recovery 4 (my journey from sickness into health)

Fibromyalgia is not a degenerative dis-ease but we feel like it is.

I was in so much pain and on so many pharmaceutical meds, that I honestly thought my child would be better off if I was dead.

After a suicide attempt, my liver was cleansed. 

I knew I wanted to live; but I knew I couldn’t go on in so much pain.

I was at my lowest point on this journey

Take a moment to think about what YOUR curve might look like.

Are you newly diagnosed, or years in to your fibromyalgia journey

Take a pen and paper and draw it down now.or imagine it in your head. 

Or leave a note in the comment box below.

Here's the graph of my journey:

I was ill for 7 years; using a UK disabled Blue Badge for 3; and it took me a year of absolute dedication to recover ( and quite a few more years after that to believe/ accept  that I had).

During that year I had professional support and was determined to reverse the fibromyalgia condition by working on my body mind and spirit.

Remember there’s little part of you (or maybe a big part of you) that doesn’t believe you can do it. But I want you to focus on that little part of you that brought you here today. That was the voice in you that is urging you to take your first steps toward reversing the fibromyalgia condition.

Believe it if I could recover from fibromyalgia, so can you!

Remember I said, I went from being someone who was in so much pain physically and mentally that I honestly thought the only way out was suicide. 

I recovered and went on to achieve a post graduate research qualification, teaching English in China and trekking in Tibet with my son.

In an earlier blog I asked you to imagine that you are already recovered and pop into the chat your name and your dream ambition. 

Make that a promise to yourself now. 

A promise is a vow, and there is power in a vow. 

When you make a vow the whole universe moves to direct you to the support you need. 

Right here. Right now.


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