FIBROMYALGIA road to recovery 5 (Just how DID I recover?)

FIBROMYALGIA:  Just how DID I recover?

First: I recognised that fibromyalgia is a trauma response 

In an earlier blog you'll see the 1 min clip of Lady Gaga talking to Oprah Winphrey about her personal history of trauma and how Fibromyalgia is a trauma response.

She also spoke about how it can be treated as a neuro-psyche condition; and the link between fibromyalgia and our immune system.

Second: I began my journey toward recovery through the first of many workshops... 

Dr Trevor Griffiths  Seven Stepping Stones to Unrecognised Losses

A process  I can definitely support you through. 

Thirdly - I sought out non-pharmaceutical pain relief. Why?

Because I knew I didn't want to die,  but also that I did not want to live  in pain.

At this point I was on a cocktail of drugs including: Oromorph; morphine patches; Gabapentin, Nuproxen; paracetamol; and sleeping tablets. All of which I knew were damaging my liver.

Full disclosure: I was also self-medicating with alcohol which also has a high calorific sugar content causing liver toxicity and acidity a cellular level.

I knew instinctively that I wanted to recover drug free, so I started searching on the internet for alternatives to pharmaceutical pain relief.

I thought I was looking for a hypnotist; and I’m still open to hypnotherapists contacting me about using hypnosis rather than pharmaceuticals for pain relief.
An interesting thing happened:
I kept having E.F.T drawn to my attention. The acronym E.F.T stands for Emotional Freedom Technique. You may have come across this 'tapping' technique already?
I used the process to directly eradicate physical pains in each area of my body

  • the Fibromyalgia Freedom Tapping Technique

Remember I said earlier: when you make a commitment providence moves?
I drew the Emotional Freedom Technique to me, just like you’ve drawn me toward you.
You will find that as you determine to recover; the right path will always reveal itself and solutions that you seek will come to you, sometimes suddenly and almost miraculously.
I followed the original E.F.T protocol, not really believing that it would work. 
I focussed on three of the most painful areas of my body that day and repeated the protocol focussing on each area three times until the pain disappeared.  
An amazing thing happened: my pain disappeared. I’ll be honest with you I thought it would come back within 10 minutes but it did not.

I then investigated the process in a bit more detail and adapted the technique specifically toward recovery from fibromyalgia: 
I call this F.F.T.T : the Fibromyalgia Freedom Tapping Technique.
I used this technique as pharma-free pain relief as I embarked on my journey toward full recovery.
I describe this whole technique in detail in appendix 3 of volume 5 of the Fibromyalgia, Road to Recovery E-book series

Through the Green Lotus Lounge we offer monthly workshops. 
Through Lotus Natural Healing we offer a whole supported program starting with a three day plan.
Through both we offer guided support to teach you the Fibromyalgia Freedom Tapping Technique. Introducing you to some very useful acupressure points.

Then: I found a wonderful homeopath

Because the tapping worked as pain relief, I stopped taking all my pain medication…suddenly
So what happened? I had withdrawal symptoms mainly from the opiodes.
Because I had previous experience working with drug addicts, I had seen withdrawal symptoms before. I knew that the immense pain that came back was a withdrawal process.
I called 111 and explained what I’d done. 
Luckily, I had a call back from an understanding doctor who told me to drink flat coke cola with heaps of sea salt… in tiny sips (because it was like drinking sea water)

Remember earlier I told you that when you make a commitment providence moves?
I was also extremely fortunate because I had the most wonderful, recommended homeopath Josephine Smolden, right in the centre of my village and by Sunday night still with the shakes and withdrawals, she came around with some emergency homeopathy and booked me in for a series of individualised homeopathy consultations in the following weeks and months.

If you have used homeopathy do pop a comment in the section below. What remedy have you used? Was it self-help or did you consult a homeopath? Remember a course of homeopathy can bring out your symptoms: in other words you might feel worse before you feel better. Don't give up. There is a supportive community to help you.

While you’re popping your comments in the chat box.
If you'd like a homeopathy information sheet with links to the three most commonly used homeopathic remedies for fibromyalgia: drop your details into the form by clicking on the menu at the top left of the screen.

This sheet is at the back of book 5 in the Fibromyalgia Road to Recovery Series. 


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