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#ThursdayThoughts: 3 things I learned (about time) thru experiencing a DNOTS

3 Things I learned about time, and how it affects your health Today’s #ThursdayThoughts lean into more philosophical esoteric musings. Time is a construct  Day & night, and seasons are created by Gaia earth turning. Whether you believe that earth was created as a Garden of Eden for human beings to experience; or that humans were created, in the image of god, as its custodian; or whether you believe that we, like fleas irritating a dog’s skin, are irritating the surface of earth or maybe you view human beings like parasitical bacteria growing out of control in a petri-dish. Whatever your contextual framework, you cannot argue against the fact that, we exist  indisputably ‘here’ and ‘now’. …and the earth turns …and never does a winter not turn in to spring; and  …time has an affect on our health (mental & physical). Let’s unpack the phrase: “time is a construct” We only experience time because we are sentient beings existing within time & space.  We experience the passing of