Today’s Thursday thoughts are 100% inspired and influenced by this wonderful discussion between Alex Ferrari and top U S psychic Marie Manuchehri (literally full of wonder). Her ‘warnings’ for 2025 include: “If humanity doesn’t pay attention …. … People will be surprised that some of our freedoms will be taken away” Because? Everyone has free will. That sounds like a contradiction or a oxymoron…but it’s not. Speaking about being a psychic Marie said: “ a Psychic has to stay neutral” why? Because their position, emotions, invested interest can create energy that will ‘pollute’ (for want of a better word) their ability to clearly ‘read’ the potential & latent energy field around them. The millions of people on earth emit /transmit energies from their very existence. Emotional energy creates physical form. Collective Emotional energy (held in collective consciousness) is what a psychic ‘reads’ . Predictions don’t always come true because the late...
… a safe space to heal