Today’s Thursday thoughts are 100% inspired and influenced by this wonderful discussion between Alex Ferrari and top U S psychic Marie Manuchehri (literally full of wonder).
Her ‘warnings’ for 2025 include:
“If humanity doesn’t pay attention …. … People will be surprised that some of our freedoms will be taken away” Because? Everyone has free will. That sounds like a contradiction or a oxymoron…but it’s not.
Speaking about being a psychic Marie said:
“ a Psychic has to stay neutral” why?
Because their position, emotions, invested interest can create energy that will ‘pollute’ (for want of a better word) their ability to clearly ‘read’ the potential & latent energy field around them. The millions of people on earth emit /transmit energies from their very existence. Emotional energy creates physical form. Collective Emotional energy (held in collective consciousness) is what a psychic ‘reads’ . Predictions don’t always come true because the latent emotional potential energies are almost always continually changing minute to minute. Psychics can grab on to potential energy but that can shift, “it’s like a moving target”… or one of those funfair grab a toy games: you don’t know exactly what you’ve grabbed or if you are going to be able to hold on to it. Marie went on to explain:
“You can’t read accurately if you have something in the game. … your energy… your emotion… your heart chakra has to be neutral… because ( otherwise) you are reading your own energy” ( not the collective potential ). Emotional energy develops in to ‘form’. Expressing the Law of Cause and Effect is the same understanding. Because of the Law of cause and effect all actions/all emotions (the intent) develops a latent potential energy which can manifest its’ ‘effect’, sometimes when we are least expecting it.
Because we (humans)have ‘free will’ it is difficult, but not impossible to ‘read/predict’ the future. You may have the intention to do something but get distracted, or have the intention to do something while in a ‘higher frequency’ but get distracted back in to taking action in a ‘lower frequency” altering the potential outcome and de-railing your ambitions.
Sustaining your energy in a higher frequency or vibration is something you have to consciously do in every present moment (until it becomes your natural state of being).
Neutrality comes when you can unconditionally love” (with no attachment to outcome).
Alex and Marie spoke about the ‘energetic aftermath of recent US elections, noting that 2024 Elections across the globe created a a year of change politically and energetically which is like a ‘snapshot’ of the ‘temperature’ of humanity that will play out over the next 5 years.
2024 illuminated the rise of radically divergent political schisms in society.
It is no longer useful to blame exponentially different ideology for the schisms; it is time for us to focus on the differences between the different energetic frequencies we want to resonate with & those we don’t … and shift our energy accordingly.
There is most definitely a shift in human consciousness happening as people all over the world ‘wake up’. Note the term enlightenment in Sanskrit literally means to wake up (to the truth of the impertinence of reality in any moment).
Hence my message in the summer of 2024:
It also quite literally means to ‘lighten’ (your frequency) to resonate with divine frequency: you are a divine being, you just need to permanently sustainably remember that fact. As Marie Manucheheri commented it “What’s really going on … <right now on planet earth >…is really profound.
The astrological overview of 6th November 2024 was “a day of deep reflection, new realisations, and heightened intuition”. Too often we allow political socio-economic ‘news’ to pollute our emotional energies.; and that in turn pullers the emotional energy we emit; and that in turn ‘pollutes’ our environment.
If you only have capacity to set yourself one achievable target this year, 2025, the only thing you need to achieve in terms of your own personal developement, is the deep understanding of being ‘at one with one’s environment’. This is a phrase I am familiar with through my 30 year study of Nichiren Daishonin’s Buddhism and applying the ‘strategy of the lotus sutra’.
If you would like a TOTALLY FREE 30 minute coaching session to experience how understanding this one phrase will, not just ‘could’ but ‘will’, transform your entire life please
text ‘free 30 Esho Funi’ leaving your name and number (and the best time to call you back) to +44(07702492519)
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