The honest answer is it’s going to take longer than that
It took me 6-9 months, with support.
But I know that if I could have taken a supported 1:1 month residential, with someone who was living proof that it could be done, I could have recovered in a lot less time.
- One of the reasons I was disabled by the condition for so long was because I confused symptom management with healing.
- Another was that I relied on pharmaceutical medication, which didn’t help, and oftentimes made my physiology worse (with complex side effects)
- Another was that, despite having experience as a spiritual & kinesiology healer, I didn’t recognise that there is a specific energy pattern to fibromyalgia that sustains the pain & fatigue caused by grief & trauma trapped in our etheric energy field.
- Another was that I didn’t understand the crucial role alkalising diet takes in reversing inflammation within the body.
I still managed to achieve sustainable recovery and that’s why I’m launching a new 30 day residential 1:1 program at my home, The Green Lotus Lounge, for one person a month.
I am able to help 10 people a year reverse and recover from fibromyalgia.
If you’d like to be one of those people, book your free no obligation 30 minute fibromyalgia reversal & recovery discovery call by completing the contact form on this blogspot home page, or emailing, or scrolling down to the booking calendar by clicking this link.
Why 30 days?
Forming a habit typically takes anywhere from 21 to 66 days—or even longer, depending on the habit’s complexity and the individual.
Your current habits are most certainly contributing to your fibromyalgia condition. I believe that you can form & embed new behaviours within 30 days, you can sustain symptom reversal that will change your life forever.
- 21 days is often quoted in research about new behaviour/ habit formation. This timeframe may apply to simpler habits, like drinking a glass of water every morning ( and we’ll certainly be doing a lot of that!). I believe 30 days adhering to a strict but stress free daily routine is enough to embed ( make habitual) a symptom reversal routine.
- 66 days is a more evidence-based average for a habits to require less effort to become automatic behaviour (research cited from University College London). That’s why I will carry on supporting you, and keeping you on target to achieve your life changing transformational goals for another 6-9 months or until you don’t need me anymore.
It takes motivation, commitment & consistency to achieve tangible results, which is why I’m here to keep you accountable.
Why residential?
- Because The Green Lotus 🪷Lounge. Is a safe space to heal. You will not be interrupted for a whole month. Just imagine the progress you will make in that time 💕
- Because the programme involves strict, but stress free, adherence to 100% de-acidifying alkaline anti inflammatory diet. Difficult to stick to in a home environment where there may be conflicting dietary needs, acidifying foods may be temptations, and there is no-one to help you prepare your personal recipes.
When I had fibromyalgia I relied on gadgets like
and a young child, to help me prepare meals.
- Because the programme involves 1:1 physical therapies (e.g. EMDR, somatic breath work), bespoke guided meditations (body scan diagnosis), spiritual healing & pampering choices ( e.g. weekly massage, reflexology, ‘Indian Head Massage’). All designed to help you acknowledge the role of your past life, relationships, environment & belief patterns that have held you back for so long; and 1:1 NLP & coaching sessions to help support you take empowered action.
I can offer distance energy & healing modalities, but it’s a bit difficult to massage your feet over Zoom 😜
- Because we can monitor your sleep, blood pressure; and offer helpful vitamin & mineral supplements; and
Because having a whole month of 1:1 healing, coaching & support is a truly life changing transformational experience.
I am able to help 10 people a year reverse and recover from fibromyalgia.
If you’d like to be one of those people, book your free no obligation 30 minute fibromyalgia reversal & recovery discovery call by completing the contact form on this blogspot home page, or emailing, or scrolling down to the booking calendar by clicking this link.
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