The month of MARCH will march away muttering like a mad March hare. Make sure you are at your ‘peak health’ ( i.e. the happiest and healthiest you can be) by 29th March 2025. It’s going to be a very ‘activated’, activating, watery and emotional month; and , strangely, also a good month for taking action and launching/closing sales. If you’d like me to sound less like a tabloid horoscope and more like a life coach: the wonderful, astrologer Pam Gregory suggests we pay attention to what USA and Syria are doing on the 14th. She suggests a conscious awareness and even closer attention to what arises for you personally as well as globally on the 23rd March The theme of empowered personal health will bring a mental and emotional conundrum about issues around taking personal responsibility of your physical health; and a call for supporting the protection of more ‘disempowered’ members of ‘club earth’ by enabling your personal empowerment. If you’d like help with that click the link...
#MondayMadness I woke up this morning to a message saying: “ Interesting thought. Your mind is wonderful - odd, but wonderful.” This week (UK) is Autism Awareness Week This week’s #MondayMadness slot today speaks to the the four ‘M’s of Malicious Malevolent, Machiavellian, Management I used to work for a public sector organisation and I was persecuted because of my autism. Like all employers, the public sector has a duty of care to their employees. When I took out a grievance against a particularly malicious, malevolent machavavaillian manager, the report concluded that no documentary evidence of autism had been produced. A complete negation of the courage it took to share my ‘perceived’ disability in the first place. I discovered that I was on the autistic scale when seeking educational help for my primary aged son with a parental ‘aha’ moment about my own childhood. These traits run in families. It’s a poor reflection on an organisation responsible for public sector...