The honest answer is it’s going to take longer than that It took me 6-9 months, with support. But I know that if I could have taken a supported 1:1 month residential, with someone who was living proof that it could be done, I could have recovered in a lot less time. One of the reasons I was disabled by the condition for so long was because I confused symptom management with healing. Another was that I relied on pharmaceutical medication, which didn’t help, and oftentimes made my physiology worse (with complex side effects) Another was that, despite having experience as a spiritual & kinesiology healer, I didn’t recognise that there is a specific energy pattern to fibromyalgia that sustains the pain & fatigue caused by grief & trauma trapped in our etheric energy field. Another was that I didn’t understand the crucial role alkalising diet takes in reversing inflammation within the body. I still managed to achieve sustainable recovery and that’s why I’m launching a new 30 d
#MondayMotivation: What is this thing called quantum jumping? And what is it that you need today? Whether you work for yourself, you are an entrepreneur, you are feeling grateful that someone created the perfect job for you, or if you ‘don’t like Mondays’ Remember this day is a gift —-for you I’m inviting you to bring whatever it is that you need today, in to your life just by asking the simple question of yourself - “what do i need today?” Through this #MondayMotivation series, we have discussed How NOT to manage people (the micro management, divide & rule techniques, used by NPM (narcissist Psychopath Managers - like the one I came across in my last ‘job’) I have delivered a whole series on that. If that’s you today, or if you feel sick at the thought of going in to work/stepping in to your working environment , I invite you to learn more about how to identify that your manager is an NPM not just someone having a bad day, or struggling with themselves. And if you resonate with