The month of MARCH will march away muttering like a mad March hare.
- Make sure you are at your ‘peak health’ ( i.e. the happiest and healthiest you can be) by 29th March 2025.
It’s going to be a very ‘activated’, activating, watery and emotional month; and , strangely, also a good month for taking action and launching/closing sales.
If you’d like me to sound less like a tabloid horoscope and more like a life coach: the wonderful, astrologer Pam Gregory suggests we pay attention to what USA and Syria are doing on the 14th. She suggests a conscious awareness and even closer attention to what arises for you personally as well as globally on the 23rd March
The theme of empowered personal health will bring a mental and emotional conundrum about issues around taking personal responsibility of your physical health; and a call for supporting the protection of more ‘disempowered’ members of ‘club earth’ by enabling your personal empowerment.
- If you’d like help with that click the link below (you know how to find me).
- Pay attention to your health.
- Stop, take a deep breath, and drink an even deeper glass of water.
- Look around you… as in, in your immediate surroundings.
- Ask yourself: what is physically happening within 10metres of my body, within 5 metres of ‘me’, within a 2 metres perimeter.
- Know that wherever you are, whatever your circumstance, you are loved, you are safe, you are.
- Next week is Spring Equinox
Take time out to plant seeds: literally ones that will flower in May or June; and metaphorically for whatever you need to germinate within this coming week.
- prepare yourself for the weekend of the 29th and 30th March 2025.
- Book a retreat or at least schedule in some ‘down time’ for that weekend.
- Be(come) particularly aware of what arises for humanity this weekend.
- Apply jurisprudence to all media messages, connect with your higher self and let your body tell you what is ‘true for you’.
- Ensure that you do not get stuck in emotions of fear, anxiety, or petrification.
- Instead use any petrifaction to stand in calm stillness and accept unconditional universal cosmic love into your life.
Saturday 29th March 2025 will be a good day to accept total responsibility for your life journey to date.
Make a note of the following dates in your calendar:
- March 14th (Friday)
- Avoid ‘overwhelm’, stay grounded, book yourself a retreat for the weekend of 29th (if you haven’t done so already)or even better still book a holiday from Friday 14th through to Sunday 30th)
- March 20th (Thursday)
- spring equinox, stay open to ‘messaging’ channelled through unconditional universal love. Stay grounded. Turn any sadness into joy and Enjoy spring
- March 29th-30th (Saturday & Sunday are ‘soul-days’)
- Make sure you are at your ‘peak health’ ( i e the happiest and healthiest you can be) by 29th March.
- Eclipse and dark moon make this a particularly good Saturday evening to meditate, look inwards, internalise global news messages and whatever has arisen for you personally this week. An evening of meditation, followed by a night sitting in conscious awareness awaiting for the sun to re-emerge will be a very powerful thing for you to do.
- As the light emerges Sunday, what shadows does it illuminate? what does it reveal for you personally? For your environment? for humanity as a whole?
- The healing themes for this weekend are:
- ”the buck stops here (with you/me)
- and choose to stand in love or in fear.
- What is the truth of what is happening around me at this time?
- How is it making me feel? And
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