There’s a lot of talk about ‘new leadership’ right now. There’s even government funding to ‘train you’. The funding is not for you - it’s for the training organisation - You don’t need anything like that … unless you want to be the CEO in the old world order- who stands like a pinnacle of absolute control and demands subordination. If that is you good luck to you go for it. But you might just find yourself in a world without enough subordinate or subservient minions to do your dirty work
And it is dirty work because that way of thinking that way of behaving is the old world order that we know from experience leads us to austerity ideology ‘gatekeeping of poverty’, dystopia and war.
Be the leader you want to see, be the change you want to see, be the world you want to see… is a call to step out of subservience. A call to stop looking outside yourself for a leader outside of yourself to fix things for you. Stop letting other people take control of your life, to ‘fix’ things for you. You are a divine life, you don’t need fixing. You just need to believe in yourself. You’ve got this!
You have endured and encountered old world leaders keeping you separate from your divinity for too long.
I’ve just started a new local podcast inviting people who I see and feel as really walking their talk. Empowered people who walk their talk embrace their life and support the lives of others. . I’ve started with paul Hammond from luton
If you know someone of great faith it doesn’t matter what dogmatic theology is attached to it. As paul said: life is not a theoretical experiment. It is an experiential one.
If you know someone who would make a great interview with quick fire questions like: what is the definition of respect and what is the purpose of being born - why are we given the gift of life
Drop me a line below in the comment box
I’m feeling motivated today because Saturday night I showed up for myself: I pulled myself up from an acute migraine and came out of the darkness to attend a fundraising psychic supper at luton spiritualist church, where I must say I have met the most amazing beautiful people stepping up to allow more light to shine through. I’m so glad I showed up for myself. I hope your weekend has been just as inspiring. I’m sorry I was not able to show up to support people earlier that day - but I was putting my talk into practice, by putting my health first. Prioritising your health is the first step in leading yourself out of the darkness.
What has this got to do with. New leadership?
Let’s look at what’s happening to the world without getting sucked into it.
As more people like you find autonomous agency through inviting transformational energy - light energy into your life.
The old structures of ‘leadership’ break down and the old ‘controlling leaders’ feel that control slipping away and what happens?
What happens is that they introduce a focus of fear
Whether that’s a fear of global proportion (like Covid 19 - which by the way is still endemic circulating amongst us it’s never going away, but we collectively woke up and stepped out of the control of fear. The introduction of a focus of fear can be a global event narrated through world media, or it can be a manipulative strategy applied much closer to home. Think about fear in your workplace. Not obvious is it. If where you work uses punitive measures - over use of disciplinary procedures is a good indicator that ‘leaders’ in an organisation are feeling out of control. Threats like
“Well sanction your universal credit””we’ll begin disciplinary proceedings against you (in retaliation for a grievance)” “we’ll tarnish your HR record “ we’ll sack you make you redundant - what a catastrophe - my life is going to end because you don’t want me in your old world order any more”
Fear like “mortgage interest rates going up””‘if you lose your job you won’t be able to pay your mortgage”
This is all controlling nonsense.
Old leadership u send those dark forces to separate us from each other and from our own divinity. If you are being coerced into ‘towing the party line’ and it doesn’t feel right it is because you no longer resonate with the old fear based controlling ‘leadership’
Once you feel that, you see that, you shine a light on that.
And what happens when you stand up with a mirror as a shield. What happens is people don’t like what they see and will be afraid of their own reflection and will persecute you.
When you are being persecuted by other people’s dark behaviour. What you are doing is holding a space for their darkness and sometimes this needs to be done. It allows them to show their true colours which by the way is another military saying. That old divisive way of behaving again. It’s useful to apologise to yourself, and apologise to their higher self that you held space for their darkness to come out. But sometimes that has to be done.
When you realise and when the people around you realise that you are being co-ersed, bullied . It is important to step back and see the totality of what is going on.
1. You are, by the very act of being a good person, good at your job, a threat to the other person’s ego and they need to take you down: push you into a state of surrender, subservience, subordination if you will.
2. The reason you have anxiety, stress, anger, IBS,inflammation, sickness, dis-ease is not because they are persecuting you- they are doing their damned darkness to make you a victim. No. The reason you are feeling dis-eased is because you do not resonate with their dark frequency. It feels wrong to every cell in your body. It’s not your frequency that that is wrong - how can your frequency be wrong to you? It’s you it’s your frequency. It’s because you are feeling microwaved by their dark frequency which is being focussed upon you. You are no longer resonating with being subservient. Congratulations - you have discovered you. Step out into the light. Being born is not a painless experience.
Leadership is not about the psychology of learning how to manipulate and create an organisation of flying monkeys ( re wizard of oz)
New leadership is understanding that not only can you - but you must- take responsibility for your own life
New leadership is shifting your focus your attention away from what doesn’t feel right - what divides us- because wherever you put your attention is where you are directing your energy of manifestation. Stop watching TV stop listening to broadcast narrative that no longer serves you.
Stop thinking that you need someone outside yourself to lead you. Become your own compass.
New leadership does not look like someone telling everyone else how to do something.
Micromanagement is not an indicator that you are not good at your job. It is an indicator that your manager is not good at managing. It is an indicator of a control freak, an ego so weak, so narcissistic that it needs to micro-control everything.
New leadership is absolutely about understanding that you are the leader of your own destiny.
This week’s #MondayMotivation is all about inviting you to lead yourself out of the darkness of limitation.
I see this in the extreme in people who are stuck in the diagnosis or life state of fibromyalgia, taking this pill or that pill, sitting in pain waiting for someone outside themselves to offer a magic pill. There is no magic pill. I see the people who have reversed the fibromyalgia condition by taking ownership, responsibility and self agency. In other words they become their own leader and lead themselves out of that very painful darkness. And it can be done: I’m not the only person who has reversed the fibromyalgia condition.
If you are feeling stuck in any kind of darkness this week. All you have to do is to remember that you are an infinite being of cosmic intelligence. You are universal life itself. Not lesser or greater than anyone else
And we need you to be you.
And as you shine a light on other people’s dark behaviour - by being victim to their persecution. Know that you - as an infinite being of cosmic intelligence- can step out of that darkness- and that - my friend- leading yourself out of the darkness is truly empowering. Have a truly empowered week.
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