This Saturday is MidWinter Solstice. Friday night being the longest, darkest night and Saturday the shortest day.
I cannot begin to express how important it will be to take some time out 20th -22nd to take stock and heal. The energy Friday will be astronomical (Pun intended)😀

This year it’s a Capricorn Solstice as, astrologically speaking, the sun enters the cardinal sign at 9.21am: setting the ‘tone’ for the next 3 months.
Meditations between 20th -21st December (and continuing in to the 22nd) will be particularly powerful this year enabling you to experience the veil ‘between the worlds’ at its’ thinnest. You may experience a powerful feeling of shifting in and out of the our dense 3 dimensional world, enabling you to feel strongly the energies of the 4th dimension of transformational self development and healing; and you may even feel a shift towards the 5th dimensional, ethereal field of unconditional love, at this time. It’s a particularly good time to forgive. Between the 20th and 21st December (Friday to Sunday) it’s really important to ground your core energy and also allow yourself time ‘time-out’ for meditation and relaxation as you will find yourself shifting between dimensions.
This is a cautionary note because it’s really easy at this time of year to feel stressed…end of term…last minute shopping ‘Christmas is coming’ . ‘Christmas’ isn’t actually ‘coming’ (it’s something - should you wish to celebrate it- that you should centre in your heart). It’s probably your relatives, colleagues or friends that are ‘coming’; and if that leaves you feeling stressed, resentful even. If running around anxiously trying your best to impress other people in order to make them happy, in order to feel a sense of ‘self-worth’ is giving you heart palpitations ( and not for the right reasons) you might need to take ‘time-out’ to reset your vagus nerve, re-set your breathing pattern, and …relax. You don’t want to end up in hospital with a stroke or a heart attack this season.
Expect to feel that shifting & repositioning well into the spring of 2025 as this Capricorn Solstice sets the ‘tone’ for your next 3 months.
Stay motivated this week and allow yourself time to ‘lean into’ those higher frequencies; and make sure to schedule yourself a ‘vagus nerve’ reset.
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