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#Thursdaythoughts: leaning into the esoteric to master the art of manifestation

What is all this nonsense about 3D and 4D and 5D worlds? 

Wrapping  your head around that concept will enable you to shift from, perhaps struggling with, the art of manifestation into easily accepting the divine gift of creation. Understanding that you ARE the creator of your own reality your key to living your best life ever.

This content is inspired by Sara Landon channelling ‘the Council/the Counsel’ on ‘Next Level Soul’, Alex Ferrari ‘s wonderful YouTube channel.

This blog is all about your ability to seamlessly move from ‘mastering the art of manifestation’ into ‘receiving the gift of the power creation’.
In other words how you can summon source energy to create what you need to show up before you need it. It’s a popular topic. Have you fully embedded the art of manifestation into your life? Are you ready to embark on the next part of your journey?

First some quick definitions (context is everything)

3D World

I use this abbreviation when referring to the world we live in: the wondrous Gaia planet earth. Our world is a world of dense matter, where we physically (and sensually) experience our life on earth (as sentient beings ie we have sensory receptors) within the constraints of our perception of time as linear.

4D Worlds

The fourth dimension is the dimension of self development, now a multi zillion pound industry. Why? because everyone on earth is moving into this awareness of developing the self raising the consciousness

5D World

Christ, or God-consciousness. The consciousness of the whole universe and the frequency of 100% unconditional love, that is the origination of all life on earth: of all sentient and insentient beings across the cosmos.

Introduction to Sara Landan 

Sarah is a ‘channel’ someone who allows her voice box, her larynx, to be used as an amplifyer or translator for communication from ‘spirit’. She began this broadcast (below) de-mystifying the notion of channelling by explaining that we all (you and I) ‘channel’.  Every sportsman, in what Aleksandra Solzhenitsyn termed as ‘the flow state’ is channelling when they are at ‘the top of their game’. Every creative in their flow state is channelling. ‘Automatic writing’ and ‘light language’ are also forms of channelling. Sarah began channelling the council (the counsel) after her brother died and she began communicating with spirit. 
  • A similar thing happened to me when my brother died in 1985: I experienced seven years of ‘visitations’, some evidenced by independent third parties.
We understand that as ‘mediumship’. One day while Sara was in a QHHT past life regression session she began channelling the Council (the counsel) through her and she realised that she was being used by the divine for disseminating knowledge (information greater than she could share if she were calling only upon her own human life experiences).  Channelling is now her ‘day job’. She is able to change her frequency & dial ‘in and out of the council’s frequency at will. She explains that all of us can train to easily master this process of turning a tuning dial on an old analogue radio to get in and out of communication with spirit. 

  • Not all of us will want to act as a channel.  I prefer to dial into spirit and ‘source energy’ for facilitating soul deep physical and mental healing. 

Link to lotus natural healing or link tree booking page

In this episode Sara Landan explains:
Light language’ as a term used to define a cosmic universal language understood by the universe, which side steps sometimes uncomfortable connotations of some words we use on earth such as ‘God’. For some people, this has a positive connotation for others. negative. If we replace the word ‘God’ with the words ‘source-energy’ and say we summon source or we allow source energy to flow through us it may feel more comfortable than saying we summon God, or we allow God to flow through us. We are in fact divine spirits having a human experience on earth. We are an extension of God having a human experience on earth. I’m Light language’ is a cosmic universal language using light frequency and vibrational tones to communicate using our larynx/voice boxes in the same way as we communicate using a national or international language. It’s a truly universal inter-galactic language. 
Perhaps that is what is meant in some churches as ‘talking in tongues’?
Telepathy is the ability to receive and transmit linguistic communication instantly without the need of ‘vocalising. We communicate verbally slower than we think because within our world of form and density, in this 3-D world, we are constrained by the framework of what we perceive as linear time. Our thoughts are not necessarily constrained in the same way. Sometimes our thoughts are linguistic - we literally hear the words we are thinking. Sometimes our thoughts are cognisant i.e. we ‘just know’ what we are thinking before we translate it into language to share with ourselves or others.

There is no doubt that humanity is awakening

…and our understandings are growing exponentially. One of the messages that Sara channels from ‘the council’(the counsel’) is to remember who you really are, i.e: a powerful creator of your own reality.

The formula for ‘creation’

 The formula for creation is:

Consciousness moves energy into form”

Elevating your consciousness raises your energetic frequency. Raising your energetic frequency allows you to summon (to you, through you, and for you) powerful ‘source energy’. Through Sara, ‘The Council’ (the counsel) remind us that while listening to this episode, you are resonating with her channelling today as a vibrational experience of remembering who you truly are.

Let’s take a look at that formula again.

The formula of creation (is the formula of life itself)

Consciousness” changes energy into form

human consciousness = divine consciousness = universal consciousness.

Understanding that form is created in the physical world by the effect of consciousness is understanding that, as sentient conscious beings, we are the creators of our reality on earth. Simply by focussing your attention you activate this formula of creation. In this way your thoughts act as a metaphysical catalyst. Your thoughts become your reality (first there was the word… and the word was god-consciousness. 

God-consciousness = human consciousness = divine consciousness = universal consciousness.

The formula of creation might be expressed as:
Form’ ( ρ (or) σ (or) λ ) is created by Consciousness’ ( 🕉 ) activating the state of  divine source energy (△E) ;  and the speed at which our consciousness, our conscious or unconscious mind, can manifest or create physical form is regulated by the velocity of the observed consciousness wave (VCW).

You can shift from ‘the art of manifestation’ by ‘summoning your innate state of divine creativity’.

Elevating your energy raises your energetic frequency. 
This allows you to summon increased levels of source energy to flow through your body and through your life. 
The simplest way to do this is through meditation. 
You might like to join our ‘beginner’s guide to ‘summoning your innate creativity’.

Reclaim your sovereignty in 2025

Your life is meant to be good for you. 
You are the powerful creator of your reality. 
You are here to experience what it means to create your life. 
While this comes with sometimes overwhelming responsibility, it also offers you unlimited freedom. 
This is your sovereign right: the right (and the responsibility) to be the creator of your own destiny. 
No more ‘stuck in the past’
No more ‘blaming your parents’. 
Get with the program: 2025 is going to be a rollercoaster of a ride.

If you need support navigating overwhelm in 2025 you may be in need of a ‘dare-to-do-it-doula’. Lilly Lotus is a spiritually aware holistic life coach with a wide variety of modalities to support your human developement. 
You can book a 30 minute no obligation discovery call by texting ‘ I need a dare-to-do-it-doula’ to +44(0)7702492519

Learn to activate the formula for creation “consciousness (thought forms) transmute energy into (physical) form”

As you consciously elevate your awareness you raise your energetic frequency which not only allows you to summon greater source energy, through you and to you, but allows the latent power, the ultimate inherent potential, within those greater levels of source energy to be activated through your conscious awareness. That which you are seeking is seeking you.
Whatever you are focusing on mentally is transformed for you, by you and through you, into physical form. It cannot be any other way because that is the formula of creation itself. Understanding this you should also understand the importance of not getting pulled back into denser negative narratives within your ‘old-life-pattern’.

Learn to become consciously aware of where you are laying your focus, what you are ‘giving’ your attention to. What you are ‘gifting’ as your intention. Now that you understand that where ever you land your focus, your attention, is where latent life force energy will spring forth abundantly into physical form, you can control what physical things, thought forms, people and other ‘entities’ manifest into, and exist in,  your experiential life journey! Are you feeling the ‘wow’ yet?

Also in this episode of ‘Next Level Soul’, ‘The council’ (or ‘counsel’) remind us that “what you focus on, and the emotional meaning that you give it, is what is creating in to your reality”… every moment of every minute. It is a good practice, a good self-discipline, to be consciously aware of what you are thinking, what you are feeling. Make conscious the focus of your attention in every minute.

I have been a practising Buddhist for 30 years - still practising! 

A daily trial of trying to embrace the tenet: be the master of your mind. In recent years I have allowed my Amygdalla to vocalise repressed anger like a rabid Banshee with Tourette’s syndrome, causing deep levels of pain and grieving to emerge.
There has never been a more crucial time to understand the importance of not letting the ‘monkey-chatter/Greek chorus be the master of your life. If your mental and emotional state creates a narrative that you are stuck in suffering, suffering will arise. If you mentally focus on lack - lack of health lack of money lack of a home lack of a boyfriend/girlfriend - then the universe will move the energy of your conscious focus (lack) and bring forth more of it (lack). If the ‘old-you’ used to perpetuate a continuing narrative (monkey chatter/Greek chorus) focussed on ‘lack’, allow the ‘new-you’ to focus instead on your existing abundance. 
Gratitude, even the gratitude for the tiniest of things, will help you to feel abundance in the moment. As Neville Goddard revealed in 1944  “Feeling is the secret’.

An image of Neville Goddard with a link to a range of his books to buy via Amazon
When you focus on how good it feels to have enough, to have food, to have warmth, to have love, then the universe can take the energy created through your conscious feeling and use that energy to create physical form in your life.

This is not a new concept. Jesus understood this concept when he told us to “pray to give thanks ,knowing that you have already received”; and several human channels have shared this information in the 19th and 20th centuries. Those people include for example Neville Goddard and Rhonda Byrne. 

Sarah Landon helps to channel this information through allowing spirit of ‘the Council’ /The Counsel to use her larynx, or voice box to transmit these teachings in the most profound contemporary way.

The formula for creation is: “consciousness moves energy into form”; or “consciousness transmutes energy into reality”. This is the true formula of creation beyond the art of manifestation.

What you focus on, & the meaning you give it, is what is creating your reality. Understand this simple statement: you get more of what your frequency emits. You attract what you emit equal to the frequency of your mental thoughts; and your emotional attachment to those thoughts creates your frequency.

This is not new information. It is simply being repeated to us in new ways to help us embed the knowledge of creation in to our every day lives.

For example this book SENTICS: the touch of the emotions, by Dr Manfred Clynes, was originally published nearly half a century ago (1977). It explores the biological basis of how we communicate emotions through the human body. And for the ‘therapists’ amongst us, it explains the science behind “a simple, easily learned emotional exercise and art form… Sentic Cycles, which can remove emotional blocks, improve emotional communication and lead to a profound sense of well-being” 

Consciously become the creator of your own life. 

Your body is both a receiver and transmitter of frequency. Your body transmits frequencies of thoughts and emotions; and these catalyse ‘source energy’ (the latent potential of everything in the universe), into ‘being’ (ie physical form). In this way your thoughts literally create your reality. It is through the natural discipline of consciously focusing your thoughts, & being aware of the emotional vibrations attached to each thought, that you move from theoretical understanding of ‘mentalism’ and ‘the law of attraction’ into harnessing your innate ability to create the life you choose to experience.

Life is an experiential journey 

When you understand, and believe, that what you focus on and the mental and emotional meaning you give it is what is creating your reality in any moment then you can embody the understanding of statements like:

You get more of what ( frequency) you are”

Like (frequency) attracts like”

What you (r frequency )seek (s to resonate with) is seeking you”

When you perceive yourself as abundant and really ‘feel’ it, consciously, intentionally, experientially, you attract abundance. For example:
  • if you feel a ‘lack of’ love in your life, a ‘lack of love’ will be transmitted back to you. Consciously take action to ‘feel’ an abundance of love: open your heart chakra and consciously ‘love’ that sky, ‘love’ that tree, that squirrel, that person walking. Make this your practice every day and your life will emit the frequency of love; and that frequency will be met with an abundance of love to receive in to your life.
  • If you feel a lack of money in your life, a ‘lack of money’ will be transmitted back to you. But if you consciously take action to ‘feel’ an abundance of money in your life, an abundance of money will be transmitted back to you. The best way to activate a frequency equal to an abundance of money dance of money is through consciously ‘feeling gratitude’ for everything around you. ‘Feel’ the abundance of clothes in your wardrobe; ‘feel’ the Abu dance of a choice of shoes to wear; ‘feel’ (and celebrate) the abundance of wealth in the community around you.

When you are mindful of the ‘feeling’ of abundance on a cellular level, your body begins to transmit, and reciprocally receive, the frequency of abundance.

In short: stop embodying that ‘feeling’ of lack within your body, and consciously start ‘feeling’ abundance (abundance of health, abundance of wealth, abundance of love)

This is how a painful disease in the body can become chronic and begin to affect every cell in your body chronic pain is a trapped pain frequency you focus on Payne you admit the frequency of pain and this moves energy into more pain within your body sit quietly with that idea using the ritual of hoe Ponopono which you can find in other blogs here forgive yourself for admitting Payne you are not doing it consciously When we repress into our body grief pain anger repressed anger, repressed grief emits on the frequency of pain and as you and transmit that frequency you attract more of the same it is amplified through you. It is not what you want or what do you need? You may be resistant to understanding this But it is crucial that you sit quietly with this teaching. It will serve you well it will help you heal.

Do you feel stuck?

Here I am paraphrasing Sara Landan channelling ‘The Council/The Counsel’:

Sometimes we feel stuck, but you are not stuck. You are on a journey. Understanding this journey, understanding the teachings along the path of this journey will lead to you becoming a powerful conscious creator of your own life.

Oftentimes in this three dimensional world, the heavy dense world of earth constrained by your perception of linear time, you have been led to believe that strife and pain and hard work are necessary in order to achieve success. This is simply not true. This narrative this belief pattern is erroneous. This belief pattern has not served you well. This dense third dimension of earth constrained by your perception of linear time is a paradigm of separation from so synergy separation from God separation from other living sentient beings separation from in sentient separation from yourself separation from others. Separation from eternal divine abundance.

Whether or not you have mastered manifestation within this heavy dense 3D world you have probably not felt ‘successful’. In recent years you may have experienced exhaustion or complete burnout. This exhaustion has affected your nervous system your sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves . The effect of ‘burn-out’ on the body is commonly known as ‘General Adaptation Syndrome’ (G.A.S. For short). You may be feeling in a permanent state of ‘fight or flight’.Constant anxiety is exhausting, isn’t it?

Even if you succeeded in creating your intention or target or achievement in this 3-D world, when you felt inspired to do so, you may feel that inspiration disappear. We create most efficiently in calm stillness by silently generating energy, by silently ‘feeling’ the excitement of (as Neville Goddard phrased) ‘The wish fulfilled’. Feeling the wish fulfilled, we embody ‘source energy’ and this synergy is the experience of ‘universal love’. Everything  is created (first by divine energy in the 5D world) from love. You may not have been lucky in mastering manifestation or you may have been successful for a while. But then your energy has crashed. This is because you have applied ‘motivation’ (the avoidance of negative outcome) not ‘inspiration’ (the conscious intention of creation). In school and work life we are asked what is our motivation. 

What is your motivation? 

Motivation is nothing more than the avoidance of an unwanted outcomeWe understand external motivation: carrot & stick, crime & punishments. But do you understand that even your internal motivators are nothing less than the avoidance of negative outcome?

For example 

normally stick i.e. a punishment if we do not complete something or carrot for example money if we do a good jobwe understand that to succeed. We need to apply internal motivation but in this 3-D dense earth world your motivations even your good intentions even your good intrinsic motivations are actually the avoidance of unwanted circumstance. In other words you have been motivated by lack  we understand that to succeed. We need to apply internal motivation but in this 3-D dense earth world your motivations even your good intentions even your good intrinsic motivations are actually the avoidance of unwanted circumstance. In other words. You have been motivated by lack of food to earn enough money to buy food and scale that up into any luxury item. You think of your motivation for going out is to avoid the unwanted feeling of being alone so motivation external and intrinsic is all rooted in avoiding unwanted circumstance. That is why the energy used to create cannot be sustained your successes and achievements. Do not feel like successes and achievements. 

Whether or not you have achieved a level of success in manifesting what you want is irrelevant either way it does not feel like success you may begin to question why am I here? What am I doing? What am I here for? What is the purpose in life, there must be more meaning Than this existing celebrate at this point you are not stuck. You are on a journey and you have recognised that you have recognised that manifesting working hard striving in the rat race on the hamster wheel as it were this tedium is not fulfilling once you yearn for that Fulfilment you yearn for transformation you yearn to move from the 3-D dense world of earth Constrained by your perception of linear time into a fourth dimension. The fourth dimension is the dimension of self development now a multi zillion pound industry why because everyone on earth is moving into this awareness of developing the self raising the consciousness you may have felt it around 2006 when Rhonda Byrne released her film and her book the secret many many many people began raising their consciousness at that time and manifesting seemed easy Because summoning of more energy was collectively easier. Maybe you understood this way before. Maybe you understood this as a child maybe you understood this as a young adult. 

I understood this theoretically in my 20s I had some Fortune Manifesting for myself but like everybody I moved in and out of the fourth dimension back into the heavy density of negative thought forms, negative  beliefs  that life is meant to be hard (it is not)  negative beliefs around self-worth or lack of self-worth. I have moved as a female through the journey of maiden young girl through the journey of motherhood connecting with mother Earth into the time of crone. A point in time where I find myself consolidating wisdoms learned &  knowledge experienced. 

The The fourth dimension is the dimension of self development and also the dimension of healing oneself and healing other people making oneself whole making other people hole enabling yourself to remember who you truly are a divine being undertaking a sentient experiential journey as a human on Earth. The process of healing in the fourth dimension is a process of alignment to who you really are a process of waking up to who you really are but sitting in the fourth dimension too long is also avoiding the reality of who you really are perceiving yourself continually as a body or a soul that needs healing instead of understanding that you are already whole already healed in fact there’s no such thing asa healer a healer does not have healing energy. The art of healing is applying whatever modality is comfortable for the other person in order to hold a space where divine source can

 a healer a healer does not have healing energy. The art of healing is applying whatever modality is comfortable for the other person in order to hold a space where divine source can

For me the trap of the fourth dimension has taken the shape of being able to manifest only when I am at rock bottom or sailing close to the wind taking off in the headwinds my young son even observed you always something when you are sailing close to the wind and I began to erroneously believe that that was a necessary part of the process but if the process of self development is a cycle of pain and hard work it turns quickly into self loathing. A self loathing narrative of I am broken. I constantly need healing and in this way peoplehave become addicted to this cycle of self transformation.

 have become addicted to this cycle of self transformation.

Sarah Landon channelling the Council announced “ The pathway from 40 into the fifth dimension is to let go of all judgement of yourself and others of all circumstances and conditions. The fifth dimension is a dimension of pure love.

Life is an experiential journey not a hard knock lesson. 30 years ago on the cusp of turning from maiden to mother I began to receive glimpses of

create in a physical Form understanding the pain of creation transformation coming into life giving birth and dying are very painful transformations because we experiencing them as such

Subheading do you find yourself being called that is because you are being called? You are being called to move into a higher level of consciousness for me that journey came through a dark Knight of the soul 12 months ago a place of And forced meditation and forced with rural and forced silence because my neurological system could not cope with receiving any amount of sensory information not even sunlight and in this space of chosen sensory deprivation, I understood profoundly that I could heal because in the state of being in the fifth dimension my abundance as a whole divine spirit is assured health and well-being is assured And my catchphrase became all you need to know is that you are Life and the function of life is to support and expand life so of course you will be supported healed hole in your expensive journey fluctuating between the third dimension the fourth dimension and the fifth dimension of being During that time I also remembered my journey in my mid to late 20s before in my 30s I moved from maiden to mother in other words. I had a child before that time I applied various healing modalities therapies, aromatherapy remedial massage Indian head massage, reflexology therapy and chakra balancing With the national Federation of spiritual healers. I understood at the time I used them in the early 1990s that they were just that there is modalities that I was applying these modalities as gateways into the realm of deep soul level healing which I now understand takes place in what we call the fifth dimension that dimension of God consciousness if you like that dimensionof pure universal unconditional love that is the life of everything in the universe or can be defined as God if you like.

 of pure universal unconditional love that is the life of everything in the universe or can be defined as God if you like

Are you finding that things that worked as healing modalities in the third physical dimension? 

Here I am again paraphrasing Sara Landan communicating knowledge from The Council/or Counsel’

Are you finding that modalities you once used in the 3rd dimension to heal physical disease are no longer working in the transformation space of the 4th dimension. Do not work in this fourth dimension of self healing or healing others and there is modalities alsoi’m not as efficient as they once were things that worked in the third dimension of physical therapy do not work so efficiently in the fourth dimension of transformational personal development things that work in the fourth dimension no longer work because they do not activate in the fifth dimension. It is no longer necessary to use those modalities because as we move into accepting the fifth dimension we connect directly with the universal unconditional divine source energy that is love that wasn’t a hard moment.

The fifth dimension is our realisation of all that we are where we can create our reality through effortless ease as intended not through separation now understand that the 3-D third dimensional world on Earth is a paradigm of separation nuts

Understand that in the fifth dimension consciousness summons creation energy and brings it into form in the 3-D world misunderstanding is beyond the law of attraction that what frequency you will admit comes back to you beyond manifestation into true creation where what you want and what you need shows up even before you know you need it it just shows up and you accept it

The difference between the next perfect step coming to youEmma struggling I’m struggling with that because I need to eat right


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