This Saturday is Winter Solstice. Tomorrow night being the longest, darkest night and the shortest day.
It is a particularly good time to remember that ‘the darkest hour always comes just before the dawn’. That’s a UK war time rally from Churchill. As the world shifts from the ‘dark’ nature of warmongers, into the lighter days. It is also a good time to remember that ‘never does a winter not turn into spring’. And that’s a peaceful message from 12th Century Japanese Buddhist monk Nichiren Daishonin.
Tomorrow will be a particularly powerful day for meditation because the veil between worlds is at the thinnest it’s been for a while.
- I invite you to join our weekly meditation in the Green lotus lounge. If you are local to Luton pop in in-person by 6.30pm to make yourself comfortable. A £5 contribution covers tea and cake. Or join us online.
You may experience a powerful feeling of shifting in and out of our dense 3 dimensional world and feel a strong transformational self-development & healing energy from the 4th dimension. You may even feel a shift towards the 5th dimensional ethereal field of unconditional love, at this time. Making it a particularly good time to forgive.
We all have someone we need to forgive, quite often it’s yourself!
- It might be viewed as cultural re-appropriation but adopting the South Pacific ritual of Ho-oponopono on a deep soul level tomorrow on the 20th or into the 21st will clear negative feelings, for example about extended family or work colleagues; and this will set you up for a positive Christmas and New Year.
It can be a really simple ritual of just repeating the words “I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you, i love you”.
The important thing is not the complexity of calling a family intervention, but of sincerely and deeply committing to each phrase from your heart. Making a peace bridge from your physical heart by allowing each word, each phrase, to reach out through your heart chakra; connecting from your soul to theirs with love from the 5th dimension that is the frequency of Christ light, of your God consciousness, asking only for intervention to help carry your 100% sincere apology and the universal gift of 100% unconditional love to the person you are thinking of.
- I’m sorry,
- please forgive me,
- thank you,
- I love you.
Throughout this weekend, tomorrow through to Monday, it’s really important to ground your core energy.
You can achieve this by taking a walk in nature, or hugging a tree, or better still clapping and stomping to your favourite rhythms. This. Classic is one of my favourites.
Also remember to schedule in some ‘me-time’ that’s you not me 😀 Allow yourself ‘time-out’ for meditation and relaxation and you will find yourself drifting easily between the frequency fields of the 3rd, 4th and 5th dimensions.
- Expect to feel that shifting & repositioning well into the spring of 2025 as this Capricorn Solstice sets the ‘tone’ for your next 3 months.
If the thought of ‘Christmas coming’ or your relatives, or work colleagues leaves you feeling stressed, resentful, or hurt.
Or if you find that running around anxiously trying your best to impress and make other people feel happy is giving you heart palpitations you might need to take ‘time-out’ to reset your vagus nerve.
- Stay tuned and in a moment join along as I demonstrate how just 5 minutes of focussed breathing exercises can set you up, or ‘re-set’ you as you lean in to a relaxed Yuletide season.
Stay mindful and allow yourself time to relax and ‘lean into’ those higher frequencies.
Make sure to schedule yourself a ‘vagus nerve’ reset, if you feel yourself getting too stressed out this winter season.
- The quickest & simplest DIY ‘life-hack’ you can do for yourself is submerging your face in cold water/ or putting an ice pack on the back of your neck (I’m not going to demonstrate that one!)
There’s good medical research evidence that neck back and shoulder massage helps to ‘reset’ your vagus nerve.
If you are local to the London-Luton airport area, book in for a double appointment with the discount voucher below.
Vagus nerve imbalances are set off acutely by trauma and chronic stress.
There’s a reason why EMDR- eye movement de-sensitisation- re-sets the brain’s relationship with your traumatic memories- the key could be the role EMDR therapy plays in resetting your vagus nerves.
- Lotus natural healing network can put you in touch with the best EMDR therapists in your area. Email lotusnaturalhealing2@gmail or text +44(0)7702492519 with the letters E.M.D.R. for help today.
If you need something now, join in with these somatic breathing exercises online. You may feel a release of emotion. That’s a good sign. Keep breathing 💕🪷 until next time.
(expect to feel that shifting & repositioning into the spring of 2025).
It’s exciting to be alive on planet earth at this time, because the next few years will be a ‘choice-point’ for humanity….
Do you want to live in ‘love’ or live in ‘fear’? It’s your choice.
Your ‘pain’ allows suffering to surface and be healed but it also allows fears to surface. These can express themselves in a range of ways from anxiety and panic attacks to delusion beliefs that ‘satan’ is currently ruling our planet. I say delusional because, although we are without a doubt seeing evil emerging through existing power structures, It’s nonsense because all life across the whole expansive universe is created from source energy, ‘god’ if you like; and that is the energy of pure unconditional love and that is a bigger and more powerful energy than the evil we are currently witnessing… and I do not use the word evil lightly . What we are witnessing in the behaviours of many world ‘leaders’ at this time is support for war, genocide, and the feeding of that war machine economically through existing power structures
I can understand the fear because we are witnessing, across the planet at this time
Astrologically speaking our collective destiny moves each of us individually away from the subservience of ‘pleasing other’ (to validate our self worth’) and into a more enlightened state of sovereignty . Aries gives us the strength to speak up, speak out and speak truth to power. Aries is the ‘undiplomatic truth teller’ . Being on the autistic scale, diplomacy not my middle name, I can relate to this energy completely
As you know this time last year I was being ‘disciplined’ by an organisation for being ‘insubordinate/in-subservience’ and accused of lying, which was brilliant because of that I knew 100% that the disciplinary procedure was persecution because I challenge - always speaking truth to power. The other reason I knew that it was persecution was because my Grievance was filibustered for 3 months to enable a disciplinary procedure to begin against me chronologically ‘evidenced’ before my grievance was investigated.And when it was investigated the scope of investigating purposefully excluded incidence that would evidence bullying. This is important because the culture of an organisation is seen very clearly when ‘it closes ranks’ against its own employees, and closing ranks by the way is a military term.
It couldn’t be clearer to see the true culture of an organisation at this time as
There is a huge cosmic shift in energies away from fear and in to love: as the strength of god consciousness, higher intelligence if you like, indicates the triumph of light over dark.
Do you want to live in love or live in fear? It’s your choice.
Astrologically we are seeing this shift in energy, in frequency if you like, in a pattern positioning of planets and stars with a 19 year cycle within a 288 year orbit.
From the 20th December 2024 to Spring equinox, if you remain grounded and connected to Gaia earth, you will experience these energetic shifts.
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