2025 is going to be a new paradigm for humanity
That is a profoundly bold statement.
Ask yourself these 3 questions at every possible moment this year.
1. What is the truth about what’s happening?
2. How are you reacting to it?
3. What does it mean ‘to be a human’ right here, right now, in this moment, today?
2025 is going to stretch your understanding of reality.
Are you ready?
Let’s kick it off together with the first of many ‘WEDNESDAY - WOW’s’
Take a moment every day, not just on Wednesdays, to stand in wonder and awe, because 2025 is going to be awesome. You might not be feeling it yet.
I’ m going to bring you some absolutely mind blowing Wednesday WOWs this year.
You really don't want to miss out….click the subscribe button now.
So: You thought 2024 went fast?
Time is definitely speeding up and 2025 is going to be even faster, more exciting, more illuminating, with more revelations about human civilisation and our relationship to the cosmos than ever before.
New information is going to come at you at an ever accelerating rate.
2025 may feel more overwhelming & more turbulent than ever before.
But don’t worry.
You have everything you need to surf the waves as long as you stay centred in your body, anchored to each present moment, and speaking your truth. That which resonates healthily within you.
To quote the wonderful Astrologer Pam Gregory:
“Your state of being is your absolute priority”
Maintain bodily sovereignty this year, your body is sovereign. If that doesn’t make sense now - it will this time next year.
If you need me anytime this year you know what to do
Just click the link below. You can always find me in The Green Lotus Lounge.
Meanwhile…back on planet earth.
I invite you to contemplate the following 3 questions
…because your answers will act as a compass for you to navigate the next 365 days.
- Question 1. What is the truth of what is happening around you?
Observe, don’t react…
Keeping a journal may be more useful this year than ever before
What is happening around you? Observe objectively. Focus not on the ‘noise’, but discern the truth in what is happening. It is happening for you (not to you).
The way to know without question what is your truth is: when you come to that understanding your body will relax and feel safe.
When you are anxious, with mental energy in the past or future, in dillusional narrative you will feel the cognitive dissonance in your body.
Listen to your body.
Use your mind to flick through potential narratives, like flicking through a virtual encyclopedia.
When you come to the narrative which allows your physical body to relax…that is your truth.
It may trigger other emotions from within you: observe, don’t react; allow the emotions to pass through your physical body.
Be aware If intense emotion gets stuck in your body, make a note of it.
It will serve you well.
It will remind you to ask for the right help from the right person at the right time.
WOW 2025.
- Question 2. I invite you to ask yourself: How am I reacting to what is happening?
Observe your reaction/s as objectively as you can.
There are going to be many trigger points coming up for healing throughout 2025.
Please ask yourself in every moment…or as often as you can several times a day: What is happening around me ? How do I feel about what is happening ? Where do I feel my response emerging from inside my physical body?
How are you reacting to what is happening?
What is your truth about what is happening?
You will understand the truth of what is happening when you feel your body relax in to it.
- Question 3. What does it mean to be human?
Yes that is a huge philosophical question.
I invite you to ask yourself this question at every trigger point, or every day throughout the year.
2025 is going to be an amazing dynamic year of expanding cycles.
To visualise the year unfolding in front of you…
Imagine two linear paths diverging away from each other within an ever expanding vortex. The energy of this cyclone will increase throughout the year as you navigate yourself, to and fro, between the paths. Sometimes you will set peacefully inside the eye of the storm, at other times you may feel swept away.
Try your best to not let yourself get swept away.
Anchor yourself to your centre, to yourself.
Nurture a calm centre, especially if there is ‘noise’ or turbulence’ around you.
You cannot help other people, animals, sentient beings, if you are being swept away yourself.
Remember at all times to come back to you.
It’s going to be fun ride if you let it.be .
It’s going to be a fun ride with many socio-economic-political revelations. Try not to get caught up in the ‘noise’ of those, because much greater cosmic revelations will be revealed this year.
Remember: ‘fear’ and ‘excitement’ can feel very similar within your body. I invite you to learn, through feeling, the difference.
During 2025 you are going to have the opportunity of a lifetime; the opportunity to grow and evolve at exponential speed.
Make a note of these dates and make a note of what is happening for the earth, what is happening for humanity, and what is happening for you, on these days.
Remember to observe, try not to react before you can note your observations.
Stay centred, stay free. And remember to ask yourself.
What is the truth of what is happening around you?
How does it make you feel?
What does it mean to be ‘human’ at ‘this time’.
I’m looking forward to embracing, even indulging in, each minute of 2025. I hope you are too.
The first date to lookout for is just 2 days away January 3rd.
Make a note of the following dates, and if you can book them in as ‘holiday/leave’ or ‘me-time’ . And remember: if you need me, feel free to click on the link below.
- January 3rd 2025
- A good day to remember what has been ‘setting up for you’ since September 2023
- February 4th & 5th 2025
- transparency & truths emerge. Take time for inner reflection & assimilating your new authenticity.
- February 12th 2025
- Heralds Individual, humanitarian and financial ‘sovereignty’.
- February 15th
- pay attention to what happens, globally & personally today
- February 23rd
- “Make friends with Mars” becomes your mantra for the month (if it hasn’t already)
- March 14th
- Avoid ‘overwhelm’, stay grounded, book yourself a retreat for the weekend of 29th (if you haven’t done so already) or even better still book a holiday from Friday 14th March through to Sunday 30th.
- March 20th,
- Spring Equinox, stay open to ‘messaging’ channelled through unconditional universal love.
- March 29th-30th
- Make sure you are at your ‘peak health’ ( i e the happiest and healthiest you can be) by 29th March.
- The healing theme for this weekend is:” the buck stops here (with you/me)” .
- It’s time to choose: will you stand in ‘love’ or ‘fear’?
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