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2025 ( a new paradigm) : February 12th (Wednesday WOW)

Wednesday is WOW-day 
  • The ‘wow’ this February 12th is that today heralds personal, humanitarian and financial ‘sovereignty’.
Did you vote ‘Brexit in the UK’s most disastrous referendum? Those who did, jumped in to the sound bite about ‘sovereignty’. 
It’s time to take your understanding of ‘sovereignty’ to the next level. 
It’s not about seeking a King to rule over you, it’s not about national positioning, it’s not about ‘separation’(from Europe or anything else)
It’s about you becoming your own ‘hero’, becoming your own ‘go-to-centre of authority’, taking responsibility enables you to feel confident in your innate ability to make individual ‘sovereign’ decisions: about your own body, about your own life; and start co-creating your best experiential world ever in 2025.

2025 is inviting you to ‘step into your own power’. 
To embrace your independence, give agency to your autonomy, think ‘self-rule’…. Become your own self-governing republic. 

  • And while thinking about your relationship with your environment let’s take a few minutes to contemplate the Buddhist term ‘esho funi.’ (at one with one’s environment). 
Make sure you are physically comfortable, and safe. Close your eyes. Take three deep breaths
Become aware of the environment 1-3 inches away from your skin….expand your consciousness, your sentience, your sense of touch to an inch or two outside your skin. Connect energetically with the space around you, with the space in between you and other people or physical objects where you are. If it feels comfortable for you consciously make the effort to stay connected and be at one with your environment today.

  • And while thinking about how best to manifest, today is a good day to adjust how you think about ‘money’.
Today maybe a particularly good day to contemplate your relationship with money and become consciously aware of old narratives, old behaviours, old belief patterns around your relationship with money. Money is just an energy exchange. Today might be a good day to deeply contemplate and understand the significance of digital cryptocurrencies.

  • Today might be a particularly good day to trade Forex?
Today you might be ‘nudged’ to think about the relationship between Europe, the U.S.A, and the UK, and other global nation states because today (Wednesday 12th February 2025) may bring revelations about foreign exchange, currency exchange, sudden changes in the value of the pound Stirling and the Euro, and emergent cryptocurrencies.

  • Remember that you manifest most successfully by positioning yourself in calm stillness.
  • Remember to ask yourself: What is the truth of what is happening around me? How does that make me feel? Where do I feel that in my physical body?
Today is a good day to ask yourself: What does it mean to be ‘human’ at ‘this time’?


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