Sunday is ‘soul-day’.
Today, Sunday February 23rd, heightened energies of Mars will activate your emotional energy (as they have been noticeably doing all of this month).
Again I share ‘ counsel’ from astrologer Pam Gregory to “Make friends with Mars” becomes your mantra as you become more compassionate to yourself (and others)
- Forgive people easily ‘flared up’ by tensions today.
Do not engage: observe and take note of your observations before reacting. Stand in your peace (do not engage with other people’s ‘noise’)
Watch out for Machiavellian narcissistic psychopathies ‘power-plays’ in foreign diplomacy and closer to home all this week.
- Use conscious awareness to connect your body, mind and soul with universal spirit today:
- By using earth and outdoor fire pits.
- By leaning into and harness Gaia’s earth energy to help you transition your emotions from harmful into positive.
- By offering yourself, today, some TLC.
Gift yourself enough calm stillness to your ask yourself:
- What is the truth of what is happening around you? How is it making you feel? and…
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