- Tuesday the 4th is about transparency and truth emerging.
- Wednesday (WOW-day) is a good day for inner reflection.
Throughout Tuesday the 4th and Wednesday the 5th 2025, consecutive revelations will be Illuminating some mega mainstream lies; shedding light on, and making transparent, some complex deceptions, first floated through mainstream media in December 2020.
The process of illuminating these truths may trigger anger, fear, or pain for you. You may experience deep wounds of betrayal, even a loss of confidence in your own judgement.
- Do not slander yourself, instead give yourself a hug; allow yourself to be cocooned, embraced, within universal unconditional love.
- Cry if you need to (remember ‘sadness’ is simply the flip side of ‘joy’.
- Think also of about what happened for you personally in December 2020.
If you can: arrange to have ‘me’ time’/‘down-time’ /‘meditation time’ on Wednesday the 5th of February to enable you to reflect, discern, and assimilate information which may have bombarded you yesterday.
- Arrange to give yourself the gifts of time & calm stillness: to take a note of what you observe before you react to it.
I invite you to contemplate:
- How does it connect with what happened for you December 2020?
- How does it connect with what happened for you in September 2023?
- How does this all connect with recent revelations?
- And with how you are feeling (in your body & mind) today?
Ask yourself: What is the truth of what is happening around me in this moment?
Try not to get caught up in global revelations, instead focus your attention within your sphere of influence, your local environment.
Look within 5 metres, 3 metres, 2 metres, and ask yourself
- What is happening around you?
- What is the truth of what is happening around you?
- How does it make you feel?
And above all,
- What does it mean for you to be ‘human’ at ‘this time?
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