I woke up this morning to a message saying:
“ Interesting thought. Your mind is wonderful - odd, but wonderful.”
This week (UK) is Autism Awareness Week
This week’s #MondayMadness slot today speaks to the the four ‘M’s of Malicious Malevolent, Machiavellian, Management
I used to work for a public sector organisation and I was persecuted because of my autism. Like all employers, the public sector has a duty of care to their employees.
When I took out a grievance against a particularly malicious, malevolent machavavaillian manager, the report concluded that no documentary evidence of autism had been produced. A complete negation of the courage it took to share my ‘perceived’ disability in the first place.
I discovered that I was on the autistic scale when seeking educational help for my primary aged son with a parental ‘aha’ moment about my own childhood. These traits run in families.
It’s a poor reflection on an organisation responsible for public sector support & education, when they can’t treat people equitably, despite well meaning policies, because the people using the policies - and I use the word ‘using’ in a very specific way -display lack of understanding & lack compassion.
To conclude “…no evidence of autism supplied, when the very body investigating could have offered a test” Illustrates a willful lack of understanding & a lack of compassion
If you are not ‘autistic’ you have the innate inability to empathise with those who are. That is not an excuse for treating people unfairly. It is an indicator of lack of compassion.
As you know, I intensely dislike labelling people… because labels can be weaponised to divide people’s. The one caveat to my dislike of labelling is if those ‘labels’ are applied to action support…. to “embrace difference”.
To conclude that “no evidence of autism was provided”
Was evidence of failure to embrace difference.
Conscious willfull failure to embrace difference.
This week is autism awareness week.
I am applying my “odd but wonderful” mind this Monday to bring you a much deeper framework around my thoughts with these short clips of Gregg Braden talking to Alex Ferrari:
Their full interview can be found here:
If you need help with corporate training or you are in need of 1:1 coaching support you can contact me using the links below.
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