This Saturday is MidWinter Solstice. Friday night being the longest, darkest night and Saturday the shortest day. I cannot begin to express how important it will be to take some time out 20th -22nd to take stock and heal. The energy Friday will be astronomical (Pun intended)😀 This year it’s a Capricorn Solstice as, astrologically speaking, the sun enters the cardinal sign at 9.21am: setting the ‘tone’ for the next 3 months. Meditations between 20th -21st December (and continuing in to the 22nd) will be particularly powerful this year enabling you to experience the veil ‘between the worlds’ at its’ thinnest. You may experience a powerful feeling of shifting in and out of the our dense 3 dimensional world, enabling you to feel strongly the energies of the 4th dimension of transformational self development and healing; and you may even feel a shift towards the 5th dimensional, ethereal field of unconditional love, at this time. It’s a particularly good time t...