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This week (UK) is Autism Awareness Week

#MondayMadness I woke up this morning to a message saying: “ Interesting thought. Your mind is wonderful - odd, but wonderful.”   This week (UK) is Autism Awareness Week This week’s  #MondayMadness slot today speaks to the the four ‘M’s of Malicious Malevolent, Machiavellian, Management  I used to work for a public sector organisation and I was persecuted because of my autism. Like all employers, the public sector has a duty of care to their employees. When I took out a grievance against a particularly malicious, malevolent machavavaillian manager, the report concluded that no documentary evidence of autism had been produced. A complete negation of the courage it took to share my ‘perceived’ disability in the first place. I discovered that I was on the autistic scale when seeking educational help for my primary aged son with a parental ‘aha’ moment about my own childhood. These traits run in families. It’s a poor reflection on an organisation responsible for public sector...

2025 ( a new paradigm) February 23rd (Sunday)

  Sunday is ‘soul-day’.  Today, Sunday February 23rd,  heightened energies of Mars will activate your emotional energy (as they have been noticeably doing all of this month). Again I share ‘ counsel’ from astrologer Pam Gregory to “Make friends with Mars” becomes your mantra as you become more compassionate to yourself (and others) Forgive people easily ‘flared up’ by tensions today. Do not engage: observe and take note of your observations before reacting. Stand in your peace (do not engage with other people’s ‘noise’) Watch out for Machiavellian narcissistic psychopathies ‘power-plays’ in foreign diplomacy and closer to home all this week. Use conscious awareness to connect your body, mind and soul with universal spirit today: By using earth and outdoor fire pits.  By leaning into and harness Gaia’s earth energy to help you transition your emotions from harmful into positive. By offering yourself, today, some TLC. Gift yourself enough calm stillness to your ask you...

2025 ( a new paradigm) : February 12th (Wednesday WOW)

Wednesday is WOW-day  The ‘wow’ this February 12th is that today heralds personal,  humanitarian and financial ‘sovereignty’. Did you vote ‘Brexit in the UK’s most disastrous referendum?  Those who did, jumped in to the sound bite about ‘sovereignty’.  It’s time to take your understanding of ‘sovereignty’ to the next level.  It’s not about seeking a King to rule over you, it’s not about national positioning, it’s not about ‘separation’(from Europe or anything else) It’s about you becoming your own ‘hero’, becoming your own ‘go-to-centre of authority’, taking responsibility enables you to feel confident in your innate ability to make individual ‘sovereign’ decisions: about your own body, about your own life; and start co-creating your best experiential world ever in 2025. 2025 is inviting you to ‘step into your own power’.  To embrace your independence, give agency to your autonomy, think ‘self-rule’…. Become your own self-governing republic.  And while...

2025 #Thursdaythoughts : why early February left you feeling agitated; and what you can do about it?

Why early February left you feeling agitated; and what you can do about it? Have you been feeling ‘kind of edge, agitated, more stressed or more easy to flare-up than usual. Maybe impacted by insomnia? Relationships on the brink? People seemingly cracking up around you? February is ‘make friends with mars’ month. That phrase comes from astrologer Pam Gregory whose positivity is contagious. Mars the god of war and mars the planet, both red and fiery….in your belly? For those of you reading this after February 2025,  I’m referring specifically to fluctuating, shifting, energies that you may have been sensitive too particularly February 4th & February 5th.  I was definitely sensing more inexplicable inner agitation than normal. It felt like PMT. But I am so past menopause that I know it was related to the ‘frequencies’ around me.  My advice is: if you have a genuine grievance that you have authentically identified as the trigger to your feelings, it’s ok to   l...

2025 ( a new paradigm) February 4th & 5th 2025 (Tuesday & Wednesday)

Tuesday the 4th is about transparency and truth emerging. Wednesday (WOW-day) is a good day for inner reflection. Throughout Tuesday the 4th and Wednesday the 5th 2025, consecutive revelations will be  Illuminating   some mega mainstream lies; shedding light on, and making transparent, some complex deceptions, first floated through mainstream media in December 2020.  The process of illuminating these truths may trigger anger, fear, or pain for you. You may experience deep wounds of betrayal, even a loss of confidence in your own judgement.  Do not slander yourself, instead give yourself a hug; allow yourself to be cocooned, embraced, within universal unconditional love.  Cry if you need to (remember ‘sadness’ is simply the flip side of ‘joy’. Think also of about what happened for you personally in December 2020.  If you can: arrange to have ‘me’ time’/‘down-time’ /‘meditation time’ on Wednesday the 5th of February to enable you to reflect, discern, and...
  Today’s Thursday thoughts are 100% inspired and influenced by this wonderful discussion between Alex Ferrari and top U S psychic Marie Manuchehri (literally full of wonder). Her ‘warnings’ for 2025 include: “If humanity doesn’t pay attention ….  …   People will be surprised that some of our freedoms will be taken away”   Because? Everyone has free will. That sounds like a contradiction or a oxymoron…but it’s not. Speaking about being a psychic Marie said:  “ a Psychic has to stay neutral” why?  Because their position, emotions, invested interest can create energy that will ‘pollute’ (for want of a better word) their ability to clearly ‘read’ the potential & latent energy field around them. The millions of people on earth emit /transmit energies from their very existence. Emotional energy creates physical form. Collective Emotional energy (held in collective consciousness) is what a psychic ‘reads’ . Predictions don’t always come true because the late...

2025 a new paradigm for humanity: COSMIC CONNECTIONS 4th January

2025 heralds a new paradigm for humanity as our cosmic connections are stretched beyond historic perceptions. There is a spiritual awakening happening on planet earth and a really good way to connect to it is to look up in the night sky and connect with the universe. Every January in the UK it is possible to witness the Quandrantid meteor shower in space. This year, 2025, the best time to see it will be  on 4 January when 120 stunning shooting stars per hour are expected to fly through the sky. Look out for their fine trail of blue and/or or yellow-white.  Meanwhile back on planet earth…